If I asked you to tell me a story about a time when you saw a rainbow, I bet a vivid memory would leap to mind immediately for most of you. There is truly something memorable...something magical even... about witnessing a rainbow.
In my opinion, that unique feeling of awe and wonder is inspired by the promise God made after THE Flood. For me, the explanation of the rainbow can be found in Genesis 9:13-- "I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth."
Call it egocentric, but when I see a rainbow, I feel that God is communicating a message specifically to me. And, the message that I sense from Him is always very clear and very simple: I am God, and I am still here. Whether I am experiencing hardship and need that gentle reminder, or whether everything is cheery and sunny in my world, it's still the most reassuring message I could imagine.
Yesterday, on a routine run to the grocery store, my daughter and I caught a glimpse of a rainbow. Like each and every other time when that unexpected surprise has appeared in the sky, it was a joyful moment and I slowed the car so she could snap as many pictures as possible. "I bet there's a pot of gold, at the end!" she shrieked.
As we turned onto a different street, the rainbow was behind us and only visible through the side mirror of our car. For as long as we could, we savored the sight of that colorful stripe in the sky. It occurred to me once we turned that first corner that drivers in other cars traveling in the westerly direction may not have had any idea that the beautiful display of God's promise was lingering just behind them. That thought made me realize how many times I have missed blessings that God had prepared for me...simply because my eyes were not open or I was not looking in the right direction.
Just because the other drivers didn't recognize the rainbow certainly didn't make it any less THERE. Oh, it was there alright-- there was no denying that. And, that realization reminds me that even when I don't FEEL God with me....when I don't see the rainbow to remind me that He is with me....He is indeed still with me.
I hope this week that each of you may experience your own rainbow moment...whether you actually see a rainbow or not!!

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